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Tropical Leaves


After accepting Christ into your life it is very important to have a place of worship to call home. While we know that the church is each individual, you need fellowship with other believers. The Writer of Hebrews wrote, “Not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near”.

This includes even coming together online! The unforeseen events of a global pandemic has shown us that when we can't physically be together, virtually there is a way. We are shifting the way people are experiencing the presence of God. As Jesus sent Word to the Centenarian man, surely the power of the word can reach across through technology.  

This Church will one day have a sanctuary but we want to reach the world first before we go into the four walls. We invite you to join our online community by completing the BECOME A MEMBER form below. 

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