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June's Newsletter

CC Admin

Jun 1, 2024

Creation Church News

Reflect on the Sermon Series, "Just Balance": The entire month of June we were given some gems on how to navigate through life struggles while remaining balanced in the Word of God. Share with us how this series has impacted the way you react to challenges that arise by sending us an email or text (817-381-8466). We'd love to hear from you!

Open the document below for details on the following:

  • In-Person Service Location Update

  • Wholesome Talk Podcast

  • Giving #, Mobile App, and Community Builder updates

  • Weekly Reminders


CCDallas Newsletter
Download PDF • 826KB

If you're unable to use the QR Code in the document. You can click here "New Giving Link"  to complete the process.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

God Bless you all!

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