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Guard through the Walk

To me perfect peace looks like fields of perfect green grass, beautiful trees with butterflies flying around, birds chirping, with the sound of laughter and love all around. What do you consider perfect peace? Isaiah 26;3 tells us “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you”. Are you willing to keep watch to receive the blessings of God?

Growing up noise became normal to me. Yelling sounded like conversation, and I confused abuse with love. I had no clue what peace was and as I grew older, I fell into the same noise. I would cry out to God for peace, but I was not guarding my heart. Without a relationship with God, I was unable to walk in the will God designed for my life. For Some reason I become a better watchman over others rather than myself. I would lose peace if someone I loved and cherish is in anguish or needs help, yet for myself I allowed darkness to take over. God asks us to turn from evil and seek peace (1 Peter 3:11).

  • I needed to silence the noise. (Lamentations 3:28). Spending time with God in prayer and reading the word throughout the day allows a relationship with God to form.

  • I repented and was forgiven. (2 Chronicles 7:14). Turning from evil I began to experience a life of peace I never knew I could have.

  • I began to see (Psalms 146; 8). We should seek a Christ-fueled Vision. By actively seeking God we can remain in clear vision and have discernment.

While on my walk with Christ, I realized this is not a 100-meter dash but a marathon. The walk with God is a process and will take endurance to receive the true blessings God has for us. (Hebrews 12:1-3). Oil is needed for the walk so our light can remain lit (Matthew 25;1-4). In life hardship will occur, but as believers we know God will provide! With a relationship with God, I no longer relied on my own understanding, but submitted and put trust in the word of God (Proverbs 3;5). Keeping watch starts with guarding the heart as I learned all things flow from it. (Proverbs 4;23). True love, peace, and happiness does not happen without the Lord and you can't keep your focus on Him without guarding your walk.Remember to Believe, Trust, and Wait as God is all things true and makes all things possible (Acts 17; 24-28).

#Prayerthroughtheword “The Lord bless you and keep you; The lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”- Numbers 6:24-26

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