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Time Management

Often time is spent on the concerns of the world rather than managing our time better that shows honor to the Lord. Plans get spoken of but never seem to follow through? An idea popped in your head while you were driving that you never wrote down and executed? Possibly during downtime you often find yourself just sitting and scrolling on your socials? I remember before my walk with christ I used my free time to "de-stress". I couldn't wait for my break or lunch just to smoke marijuana. I relied on marijuana more than I did God and couldn't figure out why I felt as if so much was needed to be done with so little time. The lack of discipline and ability to manage my time caused a series of events that should have been avoided.

Question: Are you managing time or is time managing you?

We are warned:

"To redeem the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16)

Time Management isn't only important throughout the flesh but mainly within the spirit. Within the world if you aren't managing your time at a Job then it will most likely lead to someone getting fired, Spiritually not managing time can lead to darkness. The definition of Time Management is the ability to use one's Time effectively or productively, it is the process of planning and exercising. In order to manage time effectively one would need to increase effectiveness and be efficient. By properly being efficient is to use the resources to the best of one's ability. Time can blind you, Are you allowing Time to be your God?

God Gives:

Many talents to his creations according to our own abilities. These gifts can be anything such as a teacher, planner, organizer, giver, helper, just to name a few (1 Corinthians 12:27, 28). As the Scripture tells us "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. (James 1:17). We should honor and be diligent in our gifts as "The fruit of the light consists in all Goodness, righteousness, and truth. (Ephesians 5:9) Once Disciplined we can become diligent in any plan.

Three ways to assist with managing time better:

  • by planning (Luke 14: 28-30)

  • by being diligent (Proverbs 21:5)

  • by being disciplined (Colossians 2: 5)

God ask:

  • his creation to wake up, rise from the dead so Christ can Shine on you (Ephesians 5:14)

  • commit our work to the Lord and our plans will be established (Proverbs 16:3)

  • work with all our heart in whatever we do (colossians 3:23)

If today was your last day would you be proud of how you showed honor to the Lord or do adjustments need to be made so time is being managed better?


Lord I come to you this morning thanking you for your patience, I thank you for your laid out plans detailed to us through the word. I thank you for your mercy and grace as you gift us time. I pray whoever comes across the time management series continues to discover ways to balance and be diligent with the time they are given so honor can be shown to you Lord. I pray we are spending our days wisely so we gain a heart of wisdom. Lord I pray your will continue to be done in our lives as our sight becomes clearer and our steps are in the path forward towards you. God if it is not of you I pray whoever reads this lets it go, Lord I thank you as you are a true and mighty God deserving of all the honor and Praise. There is no one like you Lord. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

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